clearly, there is no theme to my work.
I take any and all requests in various different styles in order to live & learn. Every piece is a challenge which I enjoy, but the reaction to the end result is what makes me the happiest.
"original" 2025. 11x14 (SOLD)
"chaos" 2025. 14x16 (SOLD)
"sazarac" 2024. 4x6 (SOLD)
"pink cafe" 2024. 12x12 (SOLD)
"vgs" 2024. 12x12 (SOLD)
"taki" 2023. 36x48 (SOLD)
"gary" 2024. 14x18 (SOLD)
"atake" 2020. 20x20 (SOLD)
"death race" 2020. 20x20 (SOLD)
"trip" 2019. 20x20 (SOLD)
"penny" 2019. 14x18 (SOLD)
"kos" 2019. 20x20 (SOLD)